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October 3rd

A policy of devotion to oneself...

 As a rule, I can never be without my headphones. My $20 Skull-Candy earbuds, bought from Target in late June. These little objects let me be me, but if they were to break, I'd be greatly upset as it seems so stupid that basically an asset of myself is torn; with no one to blame but myself.

I know how impractical it is to let such a tiny instrument ruin my day. I feel as though this behavior (ultimately, of self-destruction) can be solved by higher self-praise, or even devotion.

Perhaps this rambling is an ode to that autonomy.

Rambling 1

 "I'm looking aren't I?" I tested, but no one was listening. Not since I revealed truth to what the motives of the government were. Nobody need another reason to get angry, especially if it was towards the hand that fed them. But I've seen it all. People want a reward; a prize for not doing no' thing at all but simply standing there. It's not like you had to rush in this world. Everyone was given a waiver to attend school, own a home, and obtain three meals a day, all for not lifting a single finger.

 It didn't matter now. Not here. As I announced my breakthrough take on philosophy, I sensed a motion of complete autonomy. Nobody and nothing at all were going to change how I felt.

Written October 3rd
