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Showing posts from October 1, 2017

October 5th

Human emotion is universal  I'm not a psychologist; I don't study how we are as a species. I do however form beliefs from my experiences. I think this is something we all do, as to try & better understand the world & those around us. Diving into this, I believe human emotion is universal. Basically, the principle feelings one has (happiness, anger, sadness, etc.) are reflected in those around them. Of course, what causes these emotions will vary by culture & background. That being said, I don't know any other thing about emotion. Rambling 2  So what is, or why is it that too many people desire love but fail to seek it? Even I, but like most, have valid reasons as to why I don't go looking for someone.   It seems as though people skip one of the most important parts of love: regarding one self. I know it's not easy, but who am I to dislike others for their destructive behaviors. I wish I could help people, but I'm not emotionally intelligen...

October 4th

Even if it's just for five minutes...  These nights I rarely have time to do much, as I already iterated. But I've come to the indisputable conclusion that one has to do what he or she has committed to. In other words, the show must go on, even if it lasts for five minutes. Relating to my circumstances; the writing must be written, even if it's done  in five minutes. Word Play, Words Stay  Reel in what's real. Show the show live. Learn the lean reality. Find the fines for fine lines. Pay for pain but shed no blood. Say what's sane no lies. Cat caught tongue I thought. Mimic the mime never mine. I praise my prose. I wait being wretched. I try to tie. I live in life's live situations. I play plays & graze ground. I do as I would to not I. Written October 4th

October 3rd

A policy of devotion to oneself...  As a rule, I can never be without my headphones. My $20 Skull-Candy earbuds, bought from Target in late June. These little objects let me be me, but if they were to break, I'd be greatly upset as it seems so stupid that basically an asset of myself is torn; with no one to blame but myself. I know how impractical it is to let such a tiny instrument ruin my day. I feel as though this behavior (ultimately, of self-destruction) can be solved by higher self-praise, or even devotion. Perhaps this rambling is an ode to that autonomy. Rambling 1  "I'm looking aren't I?" I tested, but no one was listening. Not since I revealed truth to what the motives of the government were. Nobody need another reason to get angry, especially if it was towards the hand that fed them. But I've seen it all. People want a reward; a prize for not doing no' thing at all but simply standing there. It's not like you had to rush in ...

October 2nd

It's how I feel, as I'm feeling it  I'm a little wary of this one, since it displays how I'm feeling. It's not that I have a problem with showing my emotions, it's just that I don't always know what are my emotions. This one sort of connects to ideas of insignificance in the world, & how we often attempt to grasp concepts that seem beyond common reach. I wrote this poem yesterday (10-2) but didn't get to post it. Prowess Not my prowess he said I couldn't be caught dead with what I feel But I don't know what I feel It's hard to loose your motive when it's staring you right in the face My eyesights' a done she said I'm living in a globe of what's yet to know & I don't know how to escape Not my oyster they said Would rather there be guidance for tasks Since helping humanity is a lot to ask The worlds's just a bath I said You drain yourself & everyone else of life ...

October 1st

& so it begins!  The first day of the month, which is arguably the first day of Halloween. It's a Sunday so this story is pre-written. I wrote this piece back in the middle of August, but it seems like just yesterday when I had put words on paper.  Bird of Prey There once was a bird of prey He lived in the forest / Just like all the other birds He slept in the day & stood awake at night Just like many other / But he didn't like eating prey Se he settled for corn, bread scraps, other grains - One day an eagle was passing through town, awake at night She asked him, "Why do you go for what no one else wants?" "Why are you not asleep?" he said, not wanting to look into himself The eagle seemed amused, "I find what's best for me." - & so the nights went by, & she never left town "Why do you stay when there's nothing left for you?" When asked, she gave him a look of interest, staring de...
. Introduction to an Induction . Greetings to all! I've been meaning to start something like this for awhile, & just finally got around to it. So what & who is this? My name is Elijah, & I started this blog to share my writings with the world. Presently, I'm a high school student that, needless to say, doesn't have enough time in the day to write on a regular basis. The hope is, with habit, I'll be able to write more often, preferably everyday. So how's this going to work? I'll be sharing a new story, proverb, creation, etc. everyday for the month of October. In other words, I'll be forced to write some sort of passage every single day. Of course, naturally, not every profession or craft is undeviating. Break days are common; often, necessary for better production. In this case, Sundays & Fridays I'll be sharing writings I created prior to this month, instead of a freshly written one. The barrel spins on... I'd like...