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October 5th

Human emotion is universal

 I'm not a psychologist; I don't study how we are as a species. I do however form beliefs from my experiences. I think this is something we all do, as to try & better understand the world & those around us. Diving into this, I believe human emotion is universal. Basically, the principle feelings one has (happiness, anger, sadness, etc.) are reflected in those around them. Of course, what causes these emotions will vary by culture & background. That being said, I don't know any other thing about emotion.

Rambling 2

 So what is, or why is it that too many people desire love but fail to seek it? Even I, but like most, have valid reasons as to why I don't go looking for someone. 
 It seems as though people skip one of the most important parts of love: regarding one self. I know it's not easy, but who am I to dislike others for their destructive behaviors. I wish I could help people, but I'm not emotionally intelligent.

Written October 5th
